Error handling
For handling errors the default JavaScript error system can be used for throwing and catching errors. When an error occurs it will be passed to the calling procedure until it’s caught like any normal JavaScript application. If the error occurs on a remote server, the error will be (de)serialized and thrown on the calling worker.
You can create your own custom errors and use the instanceof
operator to distinguish them like this:
// src/DatabaseError.ts
export DatabaseError extends Error
super('Database error');
// src/domain/account/storeAccount.ts
import { Account } from './Account';
import { DatabaseError } from '../../DatabaseError';
export async function storeAccount(account: Account): Promise<void>
throw new DatabaseError('Not implemented');
// src/domain/account/createAccount.ts
import { Account } from './Account';
import { storeAccount } from './storeAccount';
import { DatabaseError } from '../DatabaseError';
export async function createAccount(name: string, email: string): Promise<Account>
const account = new Account(name, email);
await storeAccount(account);
return account;
catch (error: unknown)
if (error instanceof DatabaseError)
// handle the database error
// handle other error